The Journey to the Cloud...
Soroka Tech's story begins with curiosity and ambition. In 2020, Igor Soroka was presented with an opportunity to bring his AWS expertise to one of Finland's largest IT firms. What started as a chance to contribute to a growing industry quickly transformed into a passion for educating and guiding companies through the complexities of serverless technology.
With years of hands-on experience across the EU, US, and UK, working with both startups and enterprise teams, Igor saw firsthand the challenges businesses face when migrating to serverless solutions. His deep technical understanding and strong commitment to best practices laid the foundation for Soroka Tech.
Our Mission - Make serverless technology approachable, scalable, and efficient.
At Soroka Tech, our mission is simple: make serverless technology approachable, scalable, and efficient. We take the headache out of cloud computing so you can get back to what matters—streamlining your systems, improving workflows, and making everything run like clockwork. Through hands-on training and expert guidance, we empower your team to maintain, monitor, and continuously optimize your serverless architecture.
Our Philosophy - Improve yourself & help others grow.
We believe that personal well-being directly impacts professional excellence. Whether it’s running long distances, brewing kombucha, or diving into a great book, our holistic approach to life ensures that we stay sharp, focused, and energized. This balance allows us to continue innovating and bringing fresh perspectives to our work.